
About the blog

This blog is a collection of opinions on a diverse range of topics including books and movies reviews, poetry, public speaking, environment, social activism, random ramblings on good and not so good events and phases of life. In short, it is a perfect <virtual> place for you to just sit back and relax in with a cup of coffee in hand on a lazy morning.

You are welcome to give your suggestions on what more would you like to see here and I shall try to oblige!

About me

I am a twenty thirty something adventurous, fun-loving, super moody, foodie, talkative girl woman who has an opinion on pretty much anything and everything.

I was born in Delhi, India and lived for a significant time here before starting to, well, just move around. Since then, I have lived at Hyderabad, Pittsburgh, Ranchi and Bengaluru so far. In addition, I have spent enough time at Kolkata to last a lifetime and visited several places for work and to visit friends and family. And travel has taken me many places elsewhere.

I am an environmental engineer by education ( a B.E. in environmental engineering and then an M.S. in environmental engineering and management) but I have worked in information management, as a researcher with a renewable energy consulting firm, as an assistant professor at a university and with a public sector enterprise. Currently, I work with the Government of India. So, yes, I like diversity 🙂 and I have varied interests.

I enjoy talking, reading, writing, acting, social networking, travelling, cooking and cleaning.

You can read more about me in this post which was a speech I delivered as a part of my Toastmasters Projects.


You can reach me at creationsgalorehere [at] gmail [dot] com

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